"Lazy" exits (TESTNET ONLY)

This page is only used for Lido CSM testnet participants who want to rapidly exit their validator keys so that they can shut down their testnet services and transition onto Mainnet. For Mainnet exits, please follow all OpSec SOPs in the main "Existing CSM validators" section.

Video guide

Preparing to exit

On your validator node:

Download the latest version of the ethdo tool here.

wget https://github.com/wealdtech/ethdo/releases/download/v1.35.2/ethdo-1.35.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/wealdtech/ethdo/releases/download/v1.35.2/ethdo-1.35.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256

Verify the checksums by ensuring the outputs of the following 2 commands are the same.

sha256sum ethdo-1.35.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cat ethdo-1.35.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256

Extract the ethdo executable file.

tar xvf ethdo-1.35.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Download the latest Offline Preparation file from the Ethstaker github subpage. These are regenerated every day at 0:00 UTC

wget https://files.ethstaker.cc/offline-preparation-holesky.tar.gz
wget https://files.ethstaker.cc/offline-preparation-holesky.tar.gz.sha256

Verify the checksums by ensuring the outputs of the following 2 commands are the same.

sha256sum offline-preparation-holesky.tar.gz
cat offline-preparation-holesky.tar.gz.sha256 

Extract the offline-preparation.json file.

tar xvf offline-preparation-holesky.tar.gz

Find your validator keystores on your machine.

sudo find /var/lib -name "keystore*.json"

Example output:

Copy the keystores you want to exit into the $HOME folder. The exact command will depend on your actual file paths.


sudo cp -r /var/lib/nimbus_validator/validators $HOME

Then change the owner of this copied validatorsfolder to your current user.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER validators

Copy the offline-preparation.json and ethdo files into each validator keystore folders in $HOME.


for folder in validators/0x*; do
    cp offline-preparation.json ethdo "$folder"

Generate exit message

List all your validator keys.

ls validators

Change directory into the validator key you want to exit.


cd ~/validators/0x807b70918fe987bf5bde5ac0fb7c5620bbe9aad6a4754a17db52c73ed7208a5ffb9f5fa78d1b7c11e827d71b3ccc03ce 

List the actual file name of your validator key.



Generate the validator exit message for each of that key.

./ethdo validator exit --validator="KEYSTORE_FILENAME" --passphrase='KEYSTORE_PASSWORD' --json --offline > exit_message.json

Note: Replace KEYSTORE_FILENAME and KEYSTORE_PASSWORD with actual values without removing the quotation marks.

If successful, no output will be generated by the terminal.

Print out the exit message.

cat exit_message.json


Copy the entire output and go to the message broadcasting tool of holesky.beaconcha.in to broadcast your exit message.

Paste your exit message in the text field and hit submit.

Congratulations! Your validator key will be exited soon but in the meantime, you will have to keep your validator node running until your key is fully exited.

Repeat the "Generate Exit Message" section for all other keys you want to exit.

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