Non-Enclave: 2 ETH

Installing dependencies


The script below performs the following:

  1. Download and run the official Docker installation script

  2. Creates a new user group called "docker"

  3. Adds your current Linux user account to this new docker group

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and then back in again for the new user group settings to take effect.

ssh <user>@<IP_address> -p <port_no.> -i <SSH_key> -v

Installing Puffer

Download the latest Coral repository and enter into this directory.

git clone
cd coral

Build the Coral image ("install").

docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile -t coral-cli:latest .

Retrieve latest Module name

Visit and select "Become a validator".

Connect your wallet. Disable the "Enclave" option. Then, copy the --module-name in the generated command on launchpad and replace it in the example command in the next section.

Validator enclaves using Intel SGX is not live on mainnet yet and the current version on testnet will be deprecated in favour of the upcoming V2 SGX.

Generate validator keys and Puffer registration file

First, make sure you are in the coral folder.

cd ~/coral

Create a password file to encrypt your validator keys.

mkdir output
nano output/password.txt

Enter your password in the plain text file and use CTRL+O, ENTER, CTRL+X to save and exit.

Replace the --module-name in the example docker command below (i.e., <0xXXX...> including the brackets) with the --module-name seen in the launchpad-generated command.

docker run -it --network host -v ./output:/app/output --rm coral-cli:latest /app/coral-cli validator keygen --guardian-threshold 1 --module-name <0xXXX...> --withdrawal-credentials 0x010000000000000000000000a37ff697ed5940c06789a3e8399a737fdd3e79cc --guardian-pubkeys 0x04097a98928ed79c443d03714d4073baecf21928102c7f8d1b34420d358c9b625da61d237034919de8c690cf4992e098311a449e41e655ee0b270486b7bc613fa2 --fork-version 0x01017000 --password-file output/password.txt --output-file output/registration_docker_001.json

Follow the prompts to select the number of validator keys to generate.

If successful, you should see the following files in your ~/coral/output folder.

ls ~/coral/output

Expected output:

password.txt    registration_docker_001.json

Transfer Puffer registration file

Method 1: Manual copy-paste

Print out the contents of the registration_docker_001.json file.

cat ~/coral/output/registration_docker_001.json

Copy the entire output starting from the opening curly brackets { to the closing curly brackets } and paste it onto a text editor / notepad on your laptop.


Save this plain text file as registration_docker_001.json.

On Windows notepad, select "All file types" before saving.

Method 2: Secure Transfer

Open up your terminal/powershell on your Mac/Windows laptop and run:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C <google_cloud_username>

Your <google_cloud_username> can be found in the email you used to sign up for Google Cloud. e.g., if is the email used, then sam is your username.

Print the ssh public key.

cat ~/.ssh/

Copy the output, click into your Google Cloud instance>>EDIT, scroll down to SSH Keys>>ADD ITEM, and paste it here. Then Save.

Open up the terminal app on your laptop and run the secure copy command to retrieve your Puffer registration file. We will upload this file onto the Puffer launchpad in the next step to register your validator.

cd ~
scp -i .ssh/id_ed25519 <username>@<IP_address>:~/coral/output/registration_docker_001.json Downloads/registration_docker_001.json

Tip: Replace <username> & <IP_address> with the actual username & IP address of your server/node.

  • To find username, look to the terminal of your sever/node. Every character before the @ is your username

  • To find IP address of a virtual machine (VM), go to your cloud service console, click into your VM and find the "Public IP"

  • To find IP address of a self-hosted machine, SSH into the machine and run ip aon the terminal. The IP address will take the form of 192.168.xx.xx

Do not use any other method to transfer the registration.json file onto your laptop as the data might be corrupted during transfer. Uploading invalid registration files will result in penalties which will be deducted from your Validator Tickets.

Mint pufETH and Validator Tickets (VTs)

Purchase 2 ETH worth of pufETH and at least 28 days worth of validator tickets.

  • Non-enclave users must deposit 2 ETH worth of pufETH to register

  • A minimum of 28 Validator Tickets (VTs) are required to be deposited when registering a validator. The Guardians will exit validators if their VTs expire after 28 days without being refilled.

Validator Registration

Upload the registration.json file that you retrieved from your server/node onto your laptop here.

You will then be prompted to sign 3 transactions on your wallet.

  • Sign a Permit message to deposit your VTs to the PufferProtocol contract

  • Sign a Permit message to deposit your pufETH bond to the PufferProtocol contract

  • Sign the final transaction to register your validator

Await deposit by Puffer

The Guardians will provision pending validators when there is 32 ETH of liquidity in the PufferVault.

Invalid registrations will be skipped by the Guardians. Your bond will be returned but your VTs are penalized to prevent griefing.

Import validator keys

Now that your validator is registered with Puffer, you will need to import the validator key into your validator client.

ETH Docker users

Follow the steps in the page below until before the "Import validator keys" section.

ETH Docker

Move your validator key(s) into the ~/eth-docker/.eth/validator_keys folder.

cd ~/coral/output
sudo cp keystore*.json ~/eth-docker/.eth/validator_keys

Import validator keys into your validator client

ethd keys import


~/eth-docker/./ethd keys import

If you have not configured your validator node go to the eth-docker page to complete the setup.

Monitor logs

Monitor the logs of your validator node to make sure that it is syncing (or synced) with no errors while you wait for Puffer to provision your validator deposit with 32 ETH.

View logs of each docker container.

ethd logs <container_name> -f

Choose one to replace the <container_name> above.

blackbox-exporter          consensus                  execution                  json-exporter              node-exporter              promtail
cadvisor                   ethereum-metrics-exporter  grafana                    loki                       prometheus                 validator

Systemd users (WIP)



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Last updated