Monitoring & Address management

Monitoring validator performance

Refer to the monitoring section below.

Status of uploaded keys

Review the status of your uploaded keys at the end of the Lido CSM: Upload/Remove/View keys section.

Monitoring for exit requests

The DASHBOARD header provides a consolidated view of any exit requests issued to you in the form of Unbonded and Stuck keys.

As there are no custom alerts available yet, you should check this once every 3 days for now.

Changing Rewards & Manager Address

Node operators can change the Rewards and Manager Address in the REWARDS ADDRESS & MANAGER ADDRESS tab under the ROLES header of the CSM Widget.

The process of changing the Manager and Rewards addressed is two-phased:

  • Propose new address from the existing one

  • Accept the change from the new address

This process helps Node Operators to avoid incorrect changes to the non-existing address.

Reset Manager Address

There will also be a method to reset Manager address to Reward Address from the Rewards address in case the Manager Address was compromised or lost.

More details on Rewards vs Manager addresses here.

Accept Address Assignments

Node operators can view their Address assignments in the INBOX REQUESTS tab under the ROLES header of the CSM Widget.

Last updated