Techne Bronze Speedrun (CLI)


Obol Techne Bronze Credentials require node operators to run 50 testnet validator keys as a distributed validator cluster for 3 weeks, where Obol will fund the testnet ETH required to activate the validator keys.

Obol encourages DVT operators to contribute 1% of their staking rewards to their retroactive funding program (RAF) which supports the decentralisation of Ethereum. This CLI flow bypasses the RAF mechanism so only use this method if really needed.

Hardware (Holesky)

  • CPU: 4 cores

  • RAM: 16GB

  • SSD: 350GB

  • OS: Ubuntu 24.04

Set up Splitter contract

Choose your cluster members and form your cluster members by creating a Splitter contract that splits the execution layer rewards among all operators.

Install dependencies

Install Docker.

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Exit and re-login.


Generate your Obol ENR


# Use docker to create an ENR. Backup the file `.charon/charon-enr-private-key`.
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" -u $(id -u):$(id -g) obolnetwork/charon:v1.1.0 create enr

You should expect to see a console output like this:

Created ENR private key: .charon/charon-enr-private-key

Save the ENR public key in a text file on your laptop. You will need to use this in the next section.

The ENR public key is denoted as enr:-JG4QGQpV4qYe32QFUAbY1UyGNtNcrVMip83cvJRhw1brMslPeyELIz3q6dsZ7GblVaCjL_8FKQhF6Syg-O_kIWztimGAYHY5EvPgmlkgnY0gmlwhH8AAAGJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKzMe_GFPpSqtnYl-mJr8uZAUtmkqccsAx7ojGmFy-FY4N0Y3CCDhqDdWRwgg4u in the example output above.

Restarting from scratch

If you want to redo the whole process, remove the existing charon-distributed-validator-node folder before re-running the set of commands above.

sudo rm -r .charon

Create the Cluster Definition file

Appoint a cluster leader among your cluster.

The cluster leader will collect everyone's ENR public key and run the following command.


  • --name flag with your choice of name for your cluster

  • --fee-recipient-addresses flag with your cluster's actual Splitter contract address

  • --operator-enrs flag with the actual ENR public key of your cluster members

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" -u $(id -u):$(id -g) obolnetwork/charon:v1.1.0 create dkg \
--name="<Cluster_name>" --num-validators=50 \
--fee-recipient-addresses="<Splitter_contract_address>" \
--withdrawal-addresses="0x17E6F6270A101dc7687Cc9899889819EeAF8253f" \
--network="holesky" \

Keep the --withdrawal-addresses flag as is because we want Obol to fund our testnet validators.

A cluster-definition.json file will be generated and saved in the ~/.charon directory.

Distribute this cluster-definition.json file to each cluster member to place within their own ~/.charon directories.

You can use any messaging app for this because only the public part of the ENR key is exposed in this file.

Run the DKG ceremony

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/opt/charon" -u $(id -u):$(id -g) obolnetwork/charon:v1.1.0 dkg --publish

All cluster members need to run the DKG service within 30 minutes of one another and keep it running until the ceremony is complete.

Once the DKG ceremony is completed, back up the .charon folder containing the following important files:

  • charon-enr-private-key

  • cluster-lock.json

  • cluster-definition.yml

  • validator_keys/

  • deposit-data.json

Then, set the following permissions.

sudo chmod +x ~/.charon
sudo chmod 666 ~/.charon
sudo chmod 644 ~/.charon/charon-enr-private-key

Set up ETH Docker

Each cluster member needs to spin up a "vanilla" validator node.

Changes to note:

  • Set the Reward Address to your cluster's Splitter contract.

Edit the configuration file

Edit the .env file in the eth-docker folder.

nano ~/eth-docker/.env
  • Append :lido-obol.yml in the COMPOSE_FILE line.


  • Change the CL_NODE line to http://charon:3600 (from http://consensus:5052)


CTRL+O, ENTER, CTRL+X to save and exit.

Start your Obol-enabled validator node

Migrate .charon contents into ETHDocker.

sudo cp -r .charon/* eth-docker/.eth

Start ETH Docker.

ethd up

After all your services running via Docker "warmed up" for ~5 minutes, import your validator key shards.

ethd keys import

Monitoring Charon

Print Obol's Charon logs.

ethd logs charon -f --tail 20

Other monitoring commands under "View Logs" section of the overall ETH Docker page.

Grafana Dashboards

Open up a browser webpage and enter the following URL.

  • Enter "admin" for both the username and password.

  • Navigate to Dashboards. The 2 most common dashboards when running Obol DVTs are Charon Log Dashboard and Charon Overview

Register your cluster for funding

Cluster leader to fill up the Obol Techne Credentials registration form here.

Copy and paste the cluster-lock.json and deposit-data.json files from your node to a text editor your laptop so that you can upload them easily onto the form.

sudo cat ~/.charon/cluster-lock.json
sudo cat ~/.charon/deposit-data.json

Securing your device

Firewall Rules

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp # for SSH
sudo ufw allow 30303 # for the EL
sudo ufw allow 9000 # for the CL
sudo ufw allow 3000 # for the native Grafana
sudo ufw enable

Other Security SOPs



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Last updated