Install dependencies - Go (download page here) - and make sure the latest version (1.22.0) is output at the end of this command batch.
curl -LO
echo "f6c8a87aa03b92c4b0bf3d558e28ea03006eb29db78917daec5cfb6ec1046265 go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz" sha256sum --check
sudo tar xvf go1.22.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
go version
Download latest version of MEV-boost.
git clone
cd mev-boost
git checkout tags/v1.7-alpha1
Build the executable file.
make build
Copy the executable file to the /usr/local/bin folder.
sudo cp mev-boost /usr/local/bin
Download latest version of MEV-boost here and run the checksum verification process to ensure that the downloaded file has not been tampered with. The checksums can be found in the checksums.txt file - open it up and copy the linux_amd64 version to use below.
curl -LO
echo "18b8af03787a0a57557ab8f8c483fe5143d81208b28f813fd93ad256ad52e5db mev-boost_1.8_linux_amd64.tar.gz" | sha256sum --check
Each downloadable file comes with it's own checksum. Replace the actual checksum and URL of the download link in the code block above.
Make sure to choose the amd64 version. Right click on the linked text and select "copy link address" to get the URL of the download link to curl.
Expected output: Verify output of the checksum verification
mev-boost_1.8_linux_amd64.tar.gz: Ok
If checksum is verified, extract the files and move them into the (/usr/local/bin) directory for neatness and best practice. Then, clean up the duplicated copies.
Create an account (mevboost) without server access for MEV Boost to run as a background service. This restricts potential attackers to only the MEV Boost service in the unlikely event that they manage to infiltrate via a compromised client update.
Once you're done, save with Ctrl+O and Enter, then exit with Ctrl+X. Understand and review your configuration summary (flags) below, and amend if needed.
MEV Boost configuration summary:
-holesky: Run the MEV-boost service on the Holesky testnet
-min-bid: Set the threshold to accept blocks from relays if they bid above a chosen value, otherwise propose a locally-built block. This sacrifices a small ~0.1% APR in exchange for much better censorship resistance, allowing you to use OFAC-compliant relays guilt-free! More information here
-relay-check: check relay status on startup and on the status API call