Curriculum breakdown & timeline

Curriculum breakdown by week

Week 1

1) Understanding Ethereum validators

  • What are nodes and validators on Ethereum, and why solo-stake?

  • Roles & responsibilities of a node operator

  • Rewards and penalties

  • Importance of client diversity

  • Distributed validator technologies (DVTs)

  • Bonded validators

2) Hardware concepts

  • Setup overview

  • Hardware & system requirements performance

  • Procuring your hardware

*1 week lead time to purchase and receive hardware

Week 3

3) Hardware purchase and setup

  • Inspecting and assembling your hardware - preventing supply chain attacks

4) Installing the Linux OS

  • Install & Prepare OS

  • Test on Google Cloud VM using free credits

5) Networking & network security

  • Networking basics

  • Advanced networking - Port forwarding, Upnp, VPN

  • How to configure your home network

6) Security

  • How to use SSH tunnelling for secure remote access

  • Firewalls, automatic patching, brute force protection, automatic security updates

  • Verifying checksums

Week 4

7) Execution client setup (Holesky)

  • Generating JWT token

  • Installing dependencies

  • Downloading and installing the execution client

  • Prepare execution client configuration file

  • Running the execution client

8) Consensus client setup (Holesky)

  • Installing dependencies

  • Downloading and installing the consensus client

  • Prepare consensus client configuration file

  • Running the consensus client

Week 5

9) MEV-Boost setup (Holesky)

  • Installing dependencies

  • Prepare the MEV-boost configuration file

  • Running MEV-boost

10) Monitoring suite

  • Setting up Prometheus and Grafana

  • Set up notifications

11) Maintenance

  • Updating your validator node

  • Pruning execution clients

  • Pruning consensus clients

Week 6

12) Validator key generation (Holesky)

  • Setting up an air-gapped machine

  • SOPs during key generation and storage

  • Key generation process

13) Validator client setup (Holesky)

  • Prepare validator client configuration file

  • Running the validator client

14) Depositing ETH

  • Get Holesky ETH from faucets

  • Complete the deposit process

15) Tips and other best practices

  • Slashing prevention

  • Maximising uptime

  • Optimising security

  • Managing your withdrawal wallet

Week 7

16) DVT & bonded validator setup (Holesky)

Week 8 to 9

17) Mainnet deployment

Last updated