
Download Teku

Download the latest version of Teku and run the checksum verification process to ensure that the downloaded file has not been tampered with.

curl -LO https://artifacts.consensys.net/public/teku/raw/names/teku.tar.gz/versions/24.2.0/teku-24.2.0.tar.gz
echo "f7da4109b180e1f1118d6fa13e4d48a964d0f58724d1e6d3fd4a92ddccabab58 teku-24.2.0.tar.gz" | sha256sum --check

Each downloadable file comes with it's own checksum. Replace the actual checksum and URL of the download link in the code block above.

Make sure to choose the amd64 version. Right click on the linked text and select "copy link address" to get the URL of the download link to curl.

Expected output: Verify output of the checksum verification.

teku-24.2.0.tar.gz: OK

If checksum is verified, extract the files and move them into the (/usr/local/bin) directory for neatness and best practice. Then, clean up the duplicated copies.

tar xvf teku-24.2.0.tar.gz
sudo cp -a teku-24.2.0 /usr/local/bin/teku
rm -r teku-24.2.0.tar.gz teku-24.2.0

Restart the Teku services

sudo systemctl start tekubeacon.service tekuvalidator.service
sudo systemctl status tekubeacon.service tekuvalidator.service

Monitor journal logs using

sudo journalctl -fu tekubeacon -o cat | ccze -A
sudo journalctl -fu tekuvalidator -o cat | ccze -A

Pruning Teku

Consensus clients take up a small amount of disk space when compared to execution clients. However, you can still free up ~200GB by pruning it if your validator node has been running for a while.

To prune consensus clients, simply delete the existing database and restart the beacon service with checkpoint sync enabled.

sudo systemctl stop tekubeacon.service
sudo rm -r /var/lib/teku_beacon/*
sudo systemctl start tekubeacon.service
sudo systemctl status tekubeacon.service

Monitor logs for errors.

sudo journalctl -fu tekubeacon -o cat | ccze -A

Last updated