Upload/Remove/View validator keys

Upload keys

  • Go to the CSM Widget and connect your wallet that is eligible for the Early Adoption Period

  • Select Become a Node Operator and then Create a Node Operator

  • On the CSM Widget, upload your deposit data file and select the corresponding bond type (ETH, stETH, wstETH), and provide the desired bond amount

Print the contents of the deposit_data.json file on your node machine, then copy & paste the contents into CSM Widget directly.

  • Identify the actual file name of your deposit_data.json file on your node

ls ~/validator_keys
  • Print the contents:

sudo cat ~/validator_keys/deposit_data-<timestamp>.json
#replace <timestamp> with the actual numbers in your file name
  • Finally, select Submit, sign the transaction with your connected wallet, and you are all set.

  • Now you just need to wait for the Lido CSM to deposit your validator keys (using your deposit data file). This is a first-in, first-out process so expect a queue when demand is high. More details on this process here

DO NOT DEPOSIT 32 ETH using the deposit data file generated this way as the Lido CSM will make the deposit for you. Doing so will result in a loss of funds.

Remove keys

The Node Operator can delete uploaded keys voluntarily (e.g., duplicate keys) if it has not been deposited yet.

A fee is confiscated from the Node Operator's bond on each deleted key to cover maximal possible operational costs associated with the queue processing. Keys (via the deposit data file) can be deleted in continuous batches (e.g., from index 5 to 10).

More details here.

  • Go to the CSM Widget, under the KEYS header

  • Select the REMOVE tab on the widget

  • Select the keys you want to remove--

Keys that have been deposited cannot be deleted and only can be exited.

View keys

You can also view the status of the keys pertaining to your uploaded deposit data file and take the necessary actions.

StatusWhat it meansWhat to do?


Key has been deposited & is either pending activation or active on the beacon chain

Make sure your validator node is online to perform its duties


Key is valid and bond is sufficient. Pending deposit from Lido Protocol

Maintain sufficient bond amounts


Key has been exited



Bond is insufficient for this key, which can be Active or otherwise

- Active key: Top up bond or exit key - Non-active key: Top up bond or do nothing


Key has been uploaded twice

Remove duplicate key


Uploaded key has an invalid signature

Remove key


Exit request for Active Key was not fulfilled within 96 hours

Exit key

Last updated