
Updating Lodestar

As we are running the Lodestar services via docker containers, we will automatically be using the latest version simply by restarting the docker containers if we are using image: chainsafe/lodestar:latest in our docker-compose.yml file (which we are in this guide).

docker restart lodestar_beacon lodestar_validator

To check your docker compose files,

cd ~/lodestar_beacon
sudo nano docker-compose.yml

Pruning Lodestar

Consensus clients take up a small amount of disk space when compared to execution clients. However, you can still free up ~200GB by pruning it if your validator node has been running for a while.

To prune consensus clients, simply delete the existing database and restart the beacon service with checkpoint sync enabled.

cd ~/lodestar_beacon
docker compose down
sudo rm -r /var/lib/lodestar_beacon/*
docker compose up -d

Monitor logs for errors.

docker logs lodestar_beacon -f

Last updated