Stakewise V3

Highly condensed version for now



Vault Setup

Validator Node Setup

Download Eth Docker for a quick and easy setup.

cd ~ && git clone && cd eth-docker

Install dependencies.

./ethd install

Exit and re-log in to your machine.

Configure Eth Docker and set the fee recipient address to your Stakwise vault fee recipient address.

cd eth-docker
./ethd config

Open your .env file.

nano .env #within the eth-docker folder

Append the following parameters into the compose line


Start your Gnosis validator node.

./ethd up

View all your docker containers.

docker ps -a

View logs of each docker container (choose one).

ethd logs <container_name> -f
blackbox-exporter          consensus                  execution                  json-exporter              node-exporter              promtail
cadvisor                   ethereum-metrics-exporter  grafana                    loki                       prometheus                 validator

Configure firewall rules.

sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9000
sudo ufw allow 30303
sudo ufw enable

Stakewise Operator Setup

Download the Stakewise Operator binary file & checksum here

curl -LO
curl -LO

Print the checksum.

cat operator-v2.0.5-linux-amd64.sha256

Run the checksum verification process.

echo "<checksum> operator-v2.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | sha256sum --check

Extract the operator file and move it into /usr/local/bin

tar xvf operator-v2.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp operator-v2.0.5-linux-amd64/operator /usr/local/bin

Initiatlise the operator service.

/usr/local/bin/./operator init

Create the validator keys.

/usr/local/bin/./operator create-keys

Create a hot wallet for your vault to pay for gas when activating new validator keys.

/usr/local/bin/./operator create-wallet

Top up your hot wallet with some XDAI so that new validator keys can be activated once there is sufficient GNO staked in your vault

Start your Stakewise Operator service

Create a systemd configuration file.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/stakewiseOperator.service

Enter the following contents.


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/operator start \
  --network=gnosis \
  --verbose \
  --vault=<your_vault_address> \
  --max-fee-per-gas-gwei=30 \
  --consensus-endpoints= \



  • Replace <user> with your machine's actual user. This can be found in your terminal before the @ symbol

  • Replace <your_vault_address>with your actual vault address

Start the operator service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start stakewiseOperator
sudo systemctl status stakewiseOperator
sudo systemctl enable stakewiseOperator

View the logs.

sudo apt install ccze
sudo journalctl -fu stakewiseOperator -o cat | ccze -A

Move keystores into ethdocker/.eth/validator_keystores folder.

sudo mv ~/.stakewise/<vault_address>/keystores/* ~/eth-docker/.eth/validator_keys 

Print the keystores password.

cat ~/eth-docker/.eth/validator_keys/password.txt 

Run the keys import process with eth-docker and enter the keystores password when prompted.

ethd keys import

Upload the deposit data generated onto the Stakewise V3 operator UI.

Print the deposit-data.json file.

cat ~/.stakewise/<vault_address>/deposit_data.json

Copy the deposit-data file contents and save it as a .json file on your working device. Then, upload the file.

Get support

Support Stakesaurus

If you found this guide helpful, consider staking some GNO in my Stakewise Vault below!

Last updated