The DVT Home Staking Curriculum

What is this?

This is a knowledge base for Ethereum solo stakers (both native and DVT) designed with non-technical users in mind. It serves as a comprehensive curriculum for aspiring solo stakers.

With a standardised curriculum, organisations can fairly assess the proficiency of new solo stakers across the board using simple quizzes and on/off-chain deliverables when facilitating grants and incentivised test programmes.

This curriculum incorporates DVT, and native home staking methods so new solo stakers can launch their first home-based ETH validator from as little as 1 ETH.

Who is this for?

While I hope that anyone who cares about keeping the Ethereum network decentralised will find this guide helpful, the way it is written caters to the following audiences of non-technical people:

  1. Aspiring solo/home staker trying to go from zero to one

  2. Existing solo/home staker looking to refresh your knowledge.

How to use?

This curriculum has 2 major segments:

  1. Segment 1: Practicing on the Testnet (current segment)

Credits & Rights

This curriculum is designed collaboratively by ETHStaker and Stakesaurus, featuring Diva Staking with a grant from The Staking Foundation as a public good.

Aside from the voluntary user contribution options below, no entity is entitled to resell or commercialise the contents of this document without providing additional value.

If you found this helpful, consider supporting Stakesaurus in one of few ways below!

  • Buy me a coffee!

  • Subscribe to my newsletter

Other disclosures before you contribute

Stakesaurus has also received the following bounty and grants for earlier work from which this curriculum was partly adapted.

  1. A bounty (1500 USDC) from the Stack Up x Google Cloud Challenge for creating a guide on setting up a cloud-based Ethereum validator node using the Google Cloud stack. More details are described here.

  2. A retroactive grant (1000 DAI) from the Lido Ecosystem Grants Organisation for open-sourcing a comprehensive Ethereum home staking guide (no DVT) designed for non-technical people. More details are described here.

Stakesaurus is also a grantee of the Lido Community Lifeguards Initiative, representing the voice & interests of community operators (e.g., solo/home stakers, Lido CSM operators) to the Lido DAO.

How to get help?

  1. Main curriculum support channel: ETHStaker's DVT Home Staker Discord server

    • Navigate to the "dvt-program" channel.

    • Weekly office hours: Daily @ 11:00am to 11:30am UTC+8

  2. Client-specific support (Discord):

  3. Stakesaurus public Telegram group

    • For those who feel shy about the options above

    • Note: It is best practice to get help from highly public channels such as the main curriculum & client-specific support channel above, especially when setting up for the Mainnet

Last updated